Recently, Kartik Aaryan completed shooting for Ekta Kapoor's production, Freddy, in Mumbai. Right after that, there were reports about the actor jumping from one Ekta production to another, as he geared up to start shooting for the official remake of Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo. The Hindi version has been titled Shehzada and features Kriti Sanon as the female lead. However, Bollywood Hungama has discovered some interesting facts about this much awaited remake.
"While Ekta Kapoor was initially involved in the project, she is no longer a part of it. The film is now produced by Allu Arvind, Aman Gill and S Radhe Krishna," a source informed Bollywood Hungama, and further added, "There were some contractual issues due to which Ekta had to back out of the project. There is no bad blood, but just the paperwork which has resulted in her opting out."
Shehzada also stars Paresh Rawal and Manisha Koirala in key roles. The music is composed by Pritam and the film goes on floors in Mumbai on October 12. This would be followed by another schedule in Delhi. It will be released on the big screen sometime next year. Kartik Aaryan is among the busiest actors of Bollywood with more than 6 films riding on his shoulders.
Also Read: Kartik Aaryan’s Dhamaka to premiere on Netflix on November 22?
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