Before the pandemic struck, the trade and the industry were gearing up for the mother of all box office clashes. Akshay Kumar-starrer Laxmii was all set to release on Eid, on May 22, 2020, the same day as Salman Khan-starrer Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai. The clash was averted as the nation went into a lockdown. Now, before the year ends, a mild form of a clash is going to take place between the two stars, albeit digitally.
Atrangi Re, starring Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush is all set to release on Disney+ Hotstar on December 24. A source told Bollywood Hungama, "The same day, Antim – The Final Truth, featuring Aayush Sharma and Salman Khan in a supporting role, will also premiere on digital, on Zee5. It was released in cinemas on November 26. As per the new normal arrangement, films can be released on the OTT platform in 28 days. Sooryavanshi, which was released in cinemas on November 5, premiered on Netflix on December 3. Yesterday, Bunty Aur Babli 2 arrived on Amazon Prime. It hit cinemas on November 19. Hence, Antim – The Final Truth will be out on Zee5 on the same day as Atrangi Re's direct-to-digital release."
A trade expert stated, "There's nothing to worry about. Antim – The Final Truth is a film that was released in cinemas first. Therefore, a chunk of viewers has already seen it. Atrangi Re, meanwhile, is a fresh film. Anyway, clashes on digital are not a problem at all. I can't say the same about the clashes at the box-office though."
Meanwhile, reports suggest that even Satyameva Jayate 2, starring John Abraham would also premiere on OTT, on December 24, on Amazon Prime. Just like Antim – The Final Truth, it was also released on the big screen on November 26.
Also Read: Akshay Kumar reveals why he opted to do Atrangi Re despite having a small role
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