A 32-year-old woman has accused Bollywood actor Sharad Kapoor, best known for his roles in films like Josh, Tamanna, Dastak, Trishakti, and Iski Topi Uske Sar, of attempted sexual harassment. Reportedly, the woman filed a formal complaint with the Khar police, who have registered a case under several sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (Indian Penal Code) and are now investigating the matter.
The Allegations Against Sharad Kapoor According to the woman's statement, she was invited to Sharad Kapoor's residence under the pretext of discussing professional work. However, upon arriving at what she believed to be a meeting location, she discovered that it was, in fact, the actor's personal home. The victim, who is also an actor and producer, claimed that Sharad Kapoor invited her into his bedroom and attempted to hug her inappropriately.
The woman described the sequence of events as follows: after entering the building in Khar, she was directed to the actor's bedroom, where she reportedly found Sharad sitting unclothed. Shocked by the situation, she reportedly asked him to dress and proceed with their discussion in a professional manner. The actor allegedly attempted to hold her from behind in an inappropriate manner, but she managed to push him away and flee the scene. Police Action and FIR Registration The woman immediately sought help from the Khar police and lodged an official complaint. Based on her statement, the Khar police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Sharad Kapoor under Section 74 (Assault or use of criminal force against a woman), Section 75 (Sexual Harassment), and Section 79 (Insult the modesty of any woman) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.
The police have now initiated an investigation into the matter. As of now, Sharad Kapoor has not issued any statement regarding the allegations made against him.
Also Read: Jani Master out on bail: Court imposes conditions following sexual assault arrest
source https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/news/bollywood/josh-actor-sharad-kapoor-accused-attempted-sexual-harassment-khar-reports/
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