Over the past week, Aamir Khan had been teasing his fans about a ‘Kahani’ (story) that he will be narrating. The actor raised anticipation around the ‘Kahani’ with fans coming up with various theories on what the announcement could be. While fans speculated that it could be a teaser for his upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha, a motion poster, or some even speculated that he might be announcing a new project. Well with Aamir Khan, one never knows! The actor is known to come up with unique marketing techniques to promote his films. This time, he has managed to once again surprise everyone with his ‘Kahani’.
Today morning, Aamir Khan unveiled his 'Kahani' on a radio channel. 'Kahani' is the title of the first song from the film Laal Singh Chaddha. What makes it unique is that this is the first time that Aamir has released the song of his film before the trailer release. The first song has also been released over three months before the scheduled theatrical release of the film on August 11.
Laal Singh Chaddha is the official adaptation of the Hollywood film Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan. Directed by Advait Chandan, the film will trace the history of India through the eyes of the protagonist.
source https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/news/bollywood/aamir-khan-opts-unusual-marketing-strategy-laal-singh-chaddha-releases-song-trailer/
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